​This agreement is in between the above named and Bonnie Wertman
1. Terms of contract
By entering into this contract you agree to the following terms:
1. You will invest time and space into learning, growing, shifting, and changing into a greater expanded form of you.
2. You will be present with Bonnie for at least one call each week. During these sessions you will do your best to show up and be prepared to create more space for you.
3. You will choose to be a space of you beyond what you are choosing currently.
4. You will commit to creating a life that works for you. You will consciously work towards having your own choice, your own truths, and your own awareness and procedures that work for you.
5. You will commit yourself to you.
6. You will allow your knowing to expand.
7. You understand that if you schedule an appointment and do not show for that time you null and void that session. No other time will be rescheduled for the time missed.
8. If you fail to show up for more than three sessions, Bonnie may null and void your contract with no refund to you.
9. This contract is non-refundable. Any money you pay will be used to secure your time slots. If you choose to not continue with coaching, no money will be returned to you for any reason.
2. My commitment to you
I, Bonnie Wertman, commit to the following:
I will guide you, share with you, and enlighten you with tools and expansions to help you create more of you.
I will meet with you a minimum of one time per week. Sessions will range from 30 minutes to 60 min. I will show up ready and willing to help you uncover you and what is true for you.
I intend to support and provide you with as much information and energetic contribution to take your awareness and your life to the next level.
I will add you to my daily energy contributions, holding space for ease and transformation.
I will be present with you assisting you in being the best version of you.
3. Coaching time frame and pricing
The contract is a specific time frame of your choosing below. This contract will begin on the day you secure payment and will continue through the time frame you choose. If at any point you decide to cancel sessions with me no refund will be offered for sessions already paid for. This is for weekly coaching sessions within this time frame. No additional time will be honored for missed appointments. I will be available for you each week. If you choose not to do a session during your time frame, no additional time will be honored.
Please keep in mind that this coaching time frame comes with no refund or ability to transfer to another person.
Please choose the option that works for you.
No Guarantees or Personal Responsibility
No guarantees or claims of specifics are made within this coaching agreement. Each client's results vary and depend upon many variances. No claims have been made for specific outcomes. Any changes will be specifically left up to each client to create for themselves. Bonnie Wertman is not a licensed health professional or legal associate. Before making any changes to your health or wellbeing please consult a medical or legal aid. All suggestions and or discussions with Bonnie Wertman are private and are not to be shared and or used to make professional or medical decisions. Neither Bonnie Wertman or Simply Bonnie DBA are liable for any choices you make during or after the agreement has ended. Neither Bonnie Wertman or Simply Bonnie DBA can not nor will not be held responsible for any choices or decisions you make.